This blog will keep you up to date with all the latest developments and plans for the progression of the Hatton Village proposal.
january/february 2023
Inverdunning (Hatton Mains) Ltd are holding an online consultation event on 26th January via this website and a public drop-in event on 1st February at Ratho Community Centre. Meetings will also be held with Ratho Community Council and Kirknewton Community Council in late January to set out current proposals.
september 2022
Inverdunning (Hatton Mains) Ltd submitted a new Proposal of Application Notice (ref. 22/04891/PAN) to City of Edinburgh Council to refresh pre-application community consultation. Local community councils, councillors and interested parties were notified with plans for consultation in early 2023.
Inverdunning (Hatton Mains) Ltd submitted detailed representation to the City of Edinburgh Council’s Proposed City Plan 2030. These analysed the proposed development strategy and housing allocations on existing business sites along with objections to a number of proposed policies.
november/DECEMBER 2020
Inverdunning (Hatton Mains) Ltd prepared a brochure outlining the updated proposals with circulation to local community councils and local councillors. Please click to view: Hatton Village Brochure
The Edinburgh Evening News carried an article on Hatton Village on 5th November.
A series of e-newsletters are being prepared on specific topics and circulated to the same parties. Newsletter No.1 (Transport), Newsletter No.2 (Affordable Homes & Local Benefits), Newsletter No.3 (West Edinburgh)
March 2020
Following delays by City of Edinburgh Council in publishing their ‘Choices for City Plan 2030’ document (forming the first-stage ‘Main Issues Report’ of the new Local Development Plan), Inverdunning (Hatton Mains) Ltd have now finalised an Environmental Impact Assessment with supporting assessments. A representation to the ‘Choices’ document has been submitted to City of Edinburgh Council to address housing land supply issues and put forward Hatton Village as a deliverable and suitably-scaled site to make a real contribution to Edinburgh’s housing need.
A full suite of supporting documents has been completed and submitted to the Council in support of the proposal. This includes:
Planning Policy Overview
Community Engagement Statement
Education Impact Statement
Design Statement & Indicative Masterplan
Environmental Impact Assessment, supported by technical studies covering the following issues:
Socio-economic & Health impact
Cultural Heritage (desk based and geophysical archaeology surveys)
Biodiversity & Ecology (Phase 1 plus tree and invasive species surveys)
Soils & Geology (geo-environmental, contaminated land and drainage/engineering assessments)
Hydrology & Flooding (Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy)
Air Quality
Noise Impact
Transport Assessment
Landscape Visual Impact Assessment
Masterplan design has been progressing during the first half of 2019, aligned to technical assessments for transport, drainage and landscape design. All technical studies have been completed and an Environmental Impact Assessment is being undertaken which will complete a full pack of information that will be available by August/September 2019.
City of Edinburgh Council are expected to publish their revised timetable in August 2019 for preparation of their new Local Development Plan and it is expected that the Hatton Village proposal can be promoted via this process during late 2019 and 2020.
Inverdunning (Hatton Mains) Ltd entered into an agreement with WS Crawford to promote land at Hatton Mains Farm for a new village, with a view to preparing a masterplan for the potential development of the site.
The scale of the proposal requires an Environmental Impact Assessment and the initial stages of this process is now being undertaken along with the initial design process to inform masterplan preparation. This will entail preparation of the following key studies and assessments during 2018 to support promotion of the site via the Local Development Plan process and subsequent planning application.
Ground Conditions & Utilities Capacity
Flood Risk Assessment and Outline Drainage Strategy
Transport (access, public transport strategy, cumulative impact assessment)
Tree Survey
Air Quality
Noise Impact
Landscape and Visual Impact
Education Capacity
Heritage Assets
Masterplanning/Urban Design
An initial meeting was held with City of Edinburgh Council to outline the proposal and a meeting was held with Ratho Community Council on 10th December 2018 to update progress.
Initial community consultation was undertaken for the proposal with events at Ratho and Heriot-Watt University in September 2016, including a meeting with Ratho Community Council. This formed part of a formal pre-application planning process with a Proposal of Application Notice submitted and approved by City of Edinburgh Council in August 2016.
An initial pre-application meeting was held with City of Edinburgh Council officers in September 2016 which allowed for discussion on the information required to be submitted with any subsequent application.
Public Consultation with the Ratho community
Public Consultation 2016
At the end of September 2016, three public consultations at Heriot-Watt University and Ratho were undertaken to present the Hatton Village proposal to local people and receive feedback. Over 150 people attended across the three days and 64 responses were provided.
Those who attended the events found the presentation useful and the majority of people were glad to have been made aware of the proposal. Most of those who responded considered that more technical studies needed to be conducted before an informed view could be taken on the merits of the project.
Several useful suggestions were included with responses with respect to potential uses within the new village and factors to take into account during masterplan preparation.
These events formed an early stage and, once supporting studies are available, further public consultations will be arranged. We will keep you informed via this website and direct notification to the local community.
The Planner - 22/9/16
Hatton Village was featured in The Planner in September 2016.
"Proposals have been unveiled for the first new village on the western outskirts of Edinburgh for several centuries".